This Course in Holokinetic Psychology was originally taught in Spanish by the Initiator of Holokinetic Psychology, Rubén Feldman González, MD (ABPN). It consists of fourteen classes recorded on video and subtitled in two languages (Spanish and English) and two textbooks in PDF format in English and Spanish with full transcripts of each class. (Fully downloadable).
- Fundamental concepts of Holokinetic Psychology
- Precedents of the paradigm shift in science
- The emergence of Holokinetic Psychology
- The brain and its three ways of functioning
- Bernheim’s experience. Thought is hypnosis
- Is it possible to get rid of hypnosis?
- Definitions of Unitary Perception from diverse fields of study.
- Why Holokinetic Psychology?
- Complete understanding of time
- Objectives in Holokinetic Psychology
- Diagnoses that do not benefit from Unitary Perception
- About the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)
- Diagnosis in 5 axes
- Stress
- General aspects of a patient’s Initial Assessment
- Transference and counter-transference
- Confidentiality
- Fragmentary perception
- Instruments of thought and their way of explaining reality
- A paradigmatic instrument: the hologram
- Examples of the hypnosis of thought
- Questions to students of the Course
- Is C inactive while B functions?
- Why is breathing not emphasized in Holokinetic Psychology?
- Repetitive thought and its end in Unitary Perception
- Relatives of a patient with AIDS or ADHD
- Case examples of recovery in psychiatry
- Freeing oneself from desiring
- Freedom from sadness
- The three consciousnesses in the Bible
- Perceptual honesty
- Metadepression
- Comments on metadepression
- Watch out for hideouts
- Let's talk about the treatment
- Questions about diagnosis in psychiatry
- Words no longer used in diagnosis
- The truth sets us free
- Fear of death
- Difference between B and A
- Stress
- Psychosomatic medicine
- The narrow door
- Questions from students
- Review: the META process
- Difference between human mind and "mind, period"
- Difference between depression and metadepression
- Other words that were removed from the DSM
- Robert Stoller and paraphilias
- Difference between C and B
- Talking about JK
- Metabolic syndrome
• Sleep and stress • The origin of Holokinetic Psychology • Scientific investigation in Holokinetic Psychology • Sleep and its value • The human proneness to hypnosis • The school of Esikia: Stillness and Silence • Questions from students • Phylogenetic imbalance in the newborn • Unitary Perception is "built-in" • Imaginary limits to the human potential • Hamlet, the summit of world literature • Sanctity and Enlightenment • Summarized review of previous topics • The role of prayer • Collective consciousness and collective unconscious • The importance of stillness
- The concepts of Kosmon and Ouranon
- The word consciousness
- The peaceful silence of Precinct B
- The esikia movement
- The relationship between space and consciousness
- The difference between sanctity and enlightenment
- The relationship between Precinct A and enlightenment
- "Open the window to let the wind in"
- The new definition of mind
- The influence of Plato in Christianity
- The hypnosis of thought
- The four types of memory
- Laws of Precinct C
- Feudalism in mankind
- The dissemination of Holokinetic Psychology
- Redeeming oneself from hypnosis
- The importance of understanding our hypnosis
- Reading from the book «Questions of students to RFG»
- Creation is happening in all the universe
- The transformation of the brain when passing into B
- Do we see what is present, or do we represent it?
- Stress and its complications in everyday life
- The importance of not mixing
- The nature of fragmentary perception
- The different definitions of Unitary Perception
- Explanation of the META process
- Why doesn’t Unitary Perception spread more?
- Dyads and triads
- The relationship between fear and desire
- Differences between fragmentary perception and Unitary Perception
- The buzzing
- The aura
- Clarifications about language
- Our inner violence
- Definitions of mind and Unitary Perception
- Love for the creation and for the created
- Seeing sadness in Unitary Perception
- Unitary Perception is freedom of the past
- The individual responsibility toward the sacred
- Review questions
- Metadepression and depression
- The importance of peace
- The nature of the self
- The defense of denial
- The influence of philosophy and metaphysics
- To be born from above
- The necessity of having dialogue, reading and attempting Unitary Perception
- Review of the exam on previous subjects. (Psychodiagnosis, sleep, thought as hypnosis, stress, etc.)
- Questions and comments on Chapter 5 and 6 of the book Holokinetic Psychology (The only scientific paradigm in Psychology).
- Three dogmatic premises
- The explicit order exists even without an observer
- Quantum paradox and the paradox of movement
- The holographic model and memory
- Bohm and the Quantum Theory
- Movement and displacement
- A new way of doing science
- Is theory knowledge?
- The problem of measuring
- What role does language play in fragmentation?
- Knowledge as an abstraction of universal flux
- The hologram and its relationship with Holokinesis
- Communion cannot be formulated
- Children and abstract thinking
- Difference between teorein, eiden and opsetai
- About the semantics of words
- The implicit order and the explicit order are in the same place
- Unitary Perception: conscious contact with Holokinesis
- Paradoxes in Holokinetic Psychology
- A metaphor about the implicit and explicit orders
- Introduction to the assessment of the patient
- Ego functions
- Example of an ego functions curve
- Example of a patient’s initial assessment
- Personal details and presented problem
- Personal and family history
- Development of the patient
- Medical history and history of mental disorders
- Introduction to the patient’s mental state
- Appearance and clothing; Confidentiality
- M.E.T.A Process - Does s/he cooperate with the Psychiatrist?
- Assessment of sensorium
- Diagnosis in 5 axes, treatment and prognosis
- Questions, answers and comments
- Reading: The coherent language of Holokinetic Psychology
- Dialogue about the reading
- The 4 aspects of reality explained with the meter
- The atom as David Bohm defined it
- New exegesis for the parable of the vineyard workers
- To which order do the four aspects belong?
- Is mind a fifth aspect of the explicit order?
- Conscious contact with Holokinesis
- Is mind a fifth aspect of the explicit order?
- Review of the exam on Holokinesis
- Review of the exam on Diagnosis
- Presentation of a dialogue meeting
- Reading: Dialogue on consciousness
- Clarifications and questions about: Dialogue on consciousness
- Intelligence and love in Precinct C and in Precinct B
- Invitation to fraternal, exploratory dialogue
- Historic tragedy of the word mind
- Clarifying the meaning of free will
- Holokinetic Psychotherapy
- Diagnostics that do not benefit from Unitary Perception
- What does sleeping well mean?
- Horizontal conflict, techniques and known psychotherapies
- The objective of Holokinetic Psychotherapy
- Holokinetic Psychology: Complete undrestanding of time
- Some concepts of the old paradigm in Psychology
- Prognosis in Holokinetic Psychotherapy
- Main features of Holokinetic Psychotherapy
- Role reversal (therapist-patient)
- Holokinetic Psychotherapy session: last comments
- Review of basic notions in Holokinetic Psychotherapy
- Role reversal exercises and feedback
- Reading: Education and Violence (book: "Complete Incarnation")
- Clarifications and comments of the reading: Education and Violence
- The "I" wants to continue and perpetuate itself in conflict
- Feedback on the Presential Course from students
- Action vs. Activity
- Communion in joy and sadness
- Being a mirror of each other
- Freedom from the human condition and misfortune
- If the world were a city with 100 inhabitants
- Precinct B is not cyclical
- Group mind, contingency of Unitary Perception
- About some Kristian martyrs
- Greek and Judeo-Kristian world views on fortune and destiny
- Functional brain precincts B and A (a matter of study)
- The similar fate of some Christian mystics
- The implications of going against the current
- Fate and Precincts B and A
- Reviewing concepts under the light of Holokinetic Psychology
- Precinct B: openness to the sacred
- Benefits and contingencies of Unitary Perception
- Reading, dialogue and the constant attempt of Unitary Perception
- Reviewing important concepts in holokinetic psychotherapy
- Difference between evolution and mutation
- Clarifying the horizontal conflict
- The universal mind
- On the Dhammapada (writing attributed to Buddha)
- About the Tao Te King (written by Lao Tsé)
- Controversial words in exegesis
- Logos and Logic
- The foundations of fear, anger and sadness
- Summary of the history of science
- Words of appreciation for the written work on Holokinetic Psychology
- The importance of the complete and repeated reading
- Assessment of a patient (three case examples)
- Global questions and comments: the assessment of the patient
- Presentation: Time and its relationship with previous psychologies
- Presentation: Objectives related to Holokinetic Psychology
- Presentation: Sleep and its relationship with Unitary Perception
- Answers to frequent questions in introductory seminars
- Comments on frequently asked questions in seminars
- Presentation: Stress and Unitary Perception
- Introduction to Christian Exegesis
- Reading: "Lazarus" (Jesus of the Desert)
- Three kinds of Exegesis: Holokinetic, Historical and Canonical
- Reading: "Epistemology of language" (The Passion for Silence)
- Questions and comments about «Epistemology of language»
- About the resurrection body
- Difficulty when transposing words in exegesis
- Reading: "Desire"
- About Palingenesia
- Reading: "Dialogue with an intelligent suicidal person"
- Comments and questions about the readings
- The "identity of the self" as part of the "The Stream"
- Silence and questions that arise from the unknown
- The exit is not instinctive, intellectual, emotional or behavioral
- The sacraments
- Exegetical review of the Gospel of John
- Jewish groups and nations during the beginnings of Christianity
- Docetism and Ebionism
- Kosmon and Ouranon according to John Zebedee
- The dissemination of Greek as the language of Christianity
- Difference between Synoptic Gospels and the Fourth Gospel
- Reading and comments: Psalm 82
- Being a Son of God (John 1) Being born of the air (John 3)
- Kristic, Adamic and human consciousness
- The signs or miracles and Resurrection
- Dialogue on the exegesis of the Gospel of John
- Manichaeism and Christianity (Substantial differences)
- The functional self and Unitary Perception
- The self-denial of God in Jesus
- Different ideas about the manifestations of Jesus
- Some views of Christianity within Christianity
- Humanity as an organism
- Difference between faith and belief
- The worship of suffering as a means of salvation
- Jesus's words on the Way of the Cross
- The Midrash (Jewish tradition) in the synoptic gospels
- Reconstruction of the Resurrection body
- The Anthropos of the Greeks
- Archangel Michael - Angels (Exegetical interpretations)
- Basic notions of the Tao Te King
- Reading and clarifications of Tao Te King paragraphs
- Tao Te King presentation by a student
- Historical records of Lao Tse, JesuKristos and Jiddu Krishnamurti
- Comments and questions
- Paragraph 81 of the Tao Te King
- About Taoism and Buddhism
- How yin and yang are related to archetypes
- Avoiding false correlations
- Role reversal exercises (therapist-patient)
- Questions and comments about Holokinetic Exegesis
14 VIDEOS with subtitles in two languages of the complete course, plus textbooks in PDF format with transcripts of the classes in English and Spanish.
- Basis of the diagnosis of mental illnesses and introduction to Holokinetic Educational Therapy.
- Scientific foundations in physics and main concepts of Holokinetic Psychology.
- Historical background, psychosocial implications and language of Holokinetic Psychology.
- Exegesis in Holokinetic Psychology: a new approach in the interpretation of sacred texts.