Video Course in Holokinetic Psychology

This Course in Holokinetic Psychology was originally taught in Spanish by the Initiator of Holokinetic Psychology, Rubén Feldman González, MD (ABPN). It consists of fourteen classes recorded on video and subtitled in two languages (Spanish and English) and two textbooks in PDF format in English and Spanish with full transcripts of each class. (Fully downloadable).

  • Basis of the diagnosis of mental illnesses and introduction to Holokinetic Educational Therapy.
  • Scientific foundations in physics and main concepts of Holokinetic Psychology.
  • Historical background, psychosocial implications and language of Holokinetic Psychology.
  • Exegesis in Holokinetic Psychology: a new approach in the interpretation of sacred texts.


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14 VIDEOS with subtitles in two languages of the complete course, plus textbooks in PDF format with transcripts of the classes in English and Spanish. (Fully downloadable).


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